Mega Blocks Play and Go Table

Product ID: TRJ11981718
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  • Brand: Fisher-Price
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  • Age: 12.00 Months to 44.00 Months
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Give your child hours of building fun with this Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table. Featuring a brightly colored design, this construction toy encourages your child's creativity and imagination. It provides the opportunity to build an entire town with building prongs. This Mega Bloks table offers the convenience of easily folding up for storage when playtime is over. With its wide variety of colors and shapes, it ensures that your child can have fun learning while playing. The kids' block table also includes 20 soft colorful blocks, four fun scenes, stickers, a figurine and a car. This three-in-one portable toy is sure to provide your child with hours of playful fun. The Mega Bloks Play 'n Go Table is also educational because it teaches colors and shapes. Mega Bloks Play N' Go Table


