IX-688 4x4 Jeep with Remote

Product ID: TRJ71166874
₹ 2000.00 / 4 Hours
Security Deposit: ₹ 5000.00
  • Brand: Other
  • Category:
  • Sub category:
  • Age: 24.00 Months to 96.00 Months
Select only available dates.

Rent: ₹ 2200.00 / 1 Days
Rent: ₹ 1800.00 / 2 Hrs
Rent: ₹ 2000.00 / 4 Hrs

Dual Seater Kids Car IX-688 Children electric cars IX-688 are electric cars with 4 big wheels, not only that they also possess 4 extremely powerful engines, strong plastic, eye-catching designs for small children.



Self pickup and drop Timing - 10.30 am to 7.30 pm. Company Drop and pickup Timing 11.30 am to 6.30 pm