Cane Curve Hoop

Product ID: TRJ9863885
₹ 250.00 / 4 Hours
Security Deposit: ₹ 1000.00
  • Brand: TRJ Kids
  • Category:
  • Sub category:
  • Age: 1.00 Months to 12.00 Months
Select only available dates.

Rent: ₹ 200.00 / 2 Hrs
Rent: ₹ 250.00 / 4 Hrs
Rent: ₹ 300.00 / 1 Days

This hoop will transcend all expectations and dreams. The look of total bliss and a world of marvel will be captured with this cane curve hoop – that can also be customized with different floral arrangements. It is designed to accentuate the photo in many ways. Product dimension: L*B*H=45*45*25 (in cm)

Only curve hoop
