My First White Car

Product ID: TRJ34642146
₹ 800.00 / 12 Hours
Security Deposit: ₹ 3000.00
  • Brand: Babyhug
  • Category:
  • Sub category:
  • Age: 12.00 Months to 60.00 Months
Select only available dates.

Rent: ₹ 600.00 / 2 Hrs
Rent: ₹ 700.00 / 4 Hrs
Rent: ₹ 800.00 / 12 Hrs

Give your child a smooth first-hand driving experience with Babyhug 6-Volt Battery-Powered Ride-On. This stylish car has one forward speed plus a reverse speed. Kids can move cars forward, backward, and stop it with the touch of a button. It drives smoothly on any flat surface and works best outdoors on surfaces that aren't rocky. The realistic design features working headlights and sounds. A working MP3 input socket adds to the thrill, and the safety belt ensures the complete safety of your child.

Remote and Charger included


Check this car's working condition while self pickup or company Delivery.